Electric School Bus Chargers—Virginia Beach Transportation Center
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
Owner/Customer: Dominion Energy VA (customer)
Project Description:
Bay Electric Co., Inc., was awarded a contract for the installation of 8 school bus charging dispensers for the City of Virginia Beaches 8 all electric buses. Bay performed all design, construction, installation, testing and commissioning of each site. The scope included all underground conduits/cables necessary to feed the PCS’s (power conversion station) and charging dispensers, concrete equipment pads, replacement of sidewalks, all electrical connections, terminations, and installation and mounting of all equipment. Grading/seeding and paving for sites restoration was completed with the assistance of key subcontractors. Dominion Energy is continuing to reduce the number of diesel school buses on Virginia's roads by helping school districts replace them with cleaner, more efficient electric buses. There are currently 50 electric school buses transporting students across 15 school districts while preventing almost 3 million pounds of carbon emissions.