Project Title: Monkey Bottom Solar Field
Location: Norfolk, VA
Project Description:
The project design included 8,624ea SolarWorld 245‐Wa Mono‐Crystalline PV modules, two (2)PowerVaults (PV1& PV2) containing seven (7) 260kW PV Powered Inverters and utilizing 1232ea, HP10‐42 steel piles as the foundation supports for the Northern States Metal’s Solar FlexRack ground‐mount system. Each PowerVault delivered a packaged and custom engineered solution that included switchgear, panel boards, security/monitoring and a 750KVA (PV1) and a 1000KVA (PV2) transformer that stepped up the 480V AC production on the secondary side to 35kV AC on the primary side. The medium voltage 35kV conductors originating from the PV site to interconnection point on the Norfolk Naval Base measured approximately 3500 feet in length and were concrete encased. Communication fiber opc cables were delivered in an adjacent pathway alongside the conductors and connected into the Navy’s SCADA system. The 35kV conductors were tied into the base’s power grid for distribution. The racking design included 616ea sub‐arrays in a two‐by‐seven portrait configuration (two modules high and seven modules long) for a total of 14ea modules per sub‐array (3.430kW).