Electric Utilities
Utility Electrical Services
in Virginia & Beyond
Bay Electric offers electrical services for utility properties, businesses, and infrastructure locations. These are some of the most important locations in each region, performing critical activities such as transport, shipping, and more. Clients have come to trust us for world-class services for even the most demanding electrical jobs, and we remain committed to getting things done right, no matter the scope of the project.
Bay Electric has been trusted by local, state, and federal governments, managing authorities, the U.S. military, utility companies, and everything in between. From creating customized electrical solutions, including high-voltage, high-power, and high-capacity applications, to performing critical updates and maintenance to keep our utilities working reliably, we take pride in what we do. We proudly boast one of the most diverse and trusted teams of commercial electricians in the Hampton Roads area, and we can help you with your project all along the eastern seaboard.
Need assistance with a utility project? Contact Bay Electricat (757) 330-5300 to get started with the bid process.

Previous Utility Projects
Dominion Energy Electric School Bus Project
In 2020, with funding available for qualified localities, Bay Electric Co. was selected to design and install the electric school bus charging infrastructure. The program—a joint initiative between Dominion Energy and local school districts—was designed to remove carbon emissions from diesel-powered busses and instead replace them with fully-electric school transportation. When not in use, the batteries on the electric school buses can be tapped as an energy resource through vehicle-to-grid technology, so if energy needs are high or if renewable resources are intermittent, the batteries can provide stability to the grid. During a power outage or emergency, the batteries could serve as mobile power stations.
In Fairfax County, the Bay Team installed charging infrastructure at the Stonecroft Transportation Facility because it met Dominion’s grid-access requirements. These high-capacity charging stations are designed to ensure every bus has the charge needed to complete its route each day.
All 50 electric school buses purchased by Dominion Energy for this pilot program were on the road by the end of Spring 2021. Total project value: $1.2 million
Norfolk Naval Shipyard Pier 5 Replacement
As the electrical contractor to Skanska USA Civil Southeast, Bay Electric demolished two existing piers (Piers 4 and 5) and replaced them with a new pier. Work included demolishing berths 25 and 31 as well as buildings 225, 250, 830, 1486, and 1570. The Bay Team constructed a new ship repair pier that is 1,125 feet in length and 230 feet wide as well as replaced the existing bulkhead with a new low-level relieving platform with mechanical and electrical shore-tie stations. Bay also provided re-distribution of existing services to piers and provided medium voltage equipment, terminations, splices and a turn-key installation. Total project value: $27.8 million.

Our Reviews
Proven Record of Success
Very nice people and very eager to help they are still working on my problem but I have all the confidence that they will figure it out very pleased with my experience.- Earl P.
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Substation 5 Repairs – Kittery, MA
Bay Electric provided the labor to furnish and install repairs at Substation No.5, a transportable substation. This project also included incidental work, such as removing asbestos-containing materials from buildings XT38 and 139 and deleting a 15kv, 600-amp load break switch in the transportable substation. Total project value: $2.3 million

Pier 8 Repairs & Improvements – Groton, CT
As the primary electrical contractor, Bay Electric installed a new double-ended secondary unit substation, utility substation and switchgear, 480-volt shore power pier outlet assemblies, utility outlet stations, heat tracing, power monitoring system, and pure water lines.
Several modifications were placed against this contract which included:
- Conducting a camera inspection of 13.8kv conduits from manhole to expansion joints prior to the installation of new cables
- Removal of 60 existing switchgear lugs
- Installation of 60 new copper HYPRESSlugs
- Re-feeding existing high mast lighting to Pier 8 from a new distribution panel on the switchgear pad
Total project value: $2.9 million
No matter how unique, technical, or monumental your project might be, Bay Electric has the experience and capability of handling it properly. Contact us to get started.
Ready To Get Started?
Contact us using our contact form or give us a call at (757) 330-5300.